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Inspiring Mother Series : Andrea Hawken

Andrea, founder of Field Guide LA and mom of three, shares her experience through each of her three pregnancies (what was helpful, what was not), how she supported herself postpartum, the things that she’s gotten into and has been grateful for during quarantine, and just has damn good advice for moms and parents in general.

Andrea and Anya wear the sister katie mom + babe sets in green.

What’s your current mood? How are you feeling and doing? 

Grateful. Overwhelmed. Happy.

I'm doing well today. Always so grateful. As challenging as certain things are right now, I really feel so fortunate. It isn't a conscious decision all the time, but it's always there- just the background music of immense gratitude.

What is/what was your support system like when growing your family? How did you build your team?

I had a lot of family around me during each of my pregnancies. My sister, my mom, cousins, my friends, my in-laws, everyone in varying degrees of helpfulness. For my first pregnancy, I was totally in the dark. I had no idea what was happening or what kind of support I needed and wanted. For my second, I felt a lot more confident. I knew what I needed and what worked for me, so I focused on being with girlfriends and family and making sure I was protective of my postpartum period. For my third, I felt like a total pro. I was comfortable and focused everything on my postpartum care, and it was so wonderful.

What has been the biggest struggle (or fear) for you on this journey?

Postpartum period was very difficult the first time. I felt awful about my body. I felt alone, pressured, and just so out of sorts. With the following pregnancies, knowing what a hard time I had after my first, I made sure to invest in myself to prepare. I hired an ayurvedic postpartum doula, Aleiela Allen, and had weekly ayurvedic massages for a month and ate nourishing ayurvedic meals. 

Do you have any daily tips or secrets that make the work/life/family juggle just a little bit more manageable? 

Be nice to your partner and to yourself. They're much more willing to help if you're nice.

Have a sense of humor... sometimes it's really funny/satisfying to tell an infant they're being a turd.

Don't listen to external pressures, the internal ones are loud enough. I almost cried thinking about all the crafts I didn't do and all the banana bread I didn't bake with my kids in March 2020. Then I was like, ugh, shut up, everyone is alright.

What is something (or someone) you found indispensable during your pregnancy or postpartum period?

My husband was pretty useful. I also can't imagine not having my sister with me each time. Everyone needs a person who can just sit and hang out with you and also tell you that you smell like baby vomit and laugh at you when your boobs start leaking milk...which is why I'm extra irritated that I wasn't with her when she gave birth in May.

What is/was your favorite thing to wear during pregnancy/postpartum?

Loose sweat sets. My sweatsuit collection was poppin' before the quarantine.

What is your self-care ritual (including any favorite products!) that you preserve for yourself?

I've gotten really into skincare and exercise in the quarantine, very #basic. I buy every single product from @thethingswedo.co especially the Dew & Go microneedling stamper, Gly Glow scrub and Liquid Lift Sleeping Mask. Those products have transformed my skin drastically. Our home gym was already pretty good pre-quaratine, but my husband took it to the next level when he knew we'd be stuck at home.

It is such a crazy time and so many parents are struggling now. Is there anything from this time that has surprised you or that you have benefited from? Any words of wisdom to share with our communities?

We have a unique situation. We live in a community with 63 acres of green space surrounding all our homes. We've grown really close with two families in particular; our kids play with them every day. We take walks together in the morning and gather in the green on blankets in the evening. It's become very familial and one of the things I am most grateful for when I go to sleep at night and wake up the next day. As tough as this time is, I'd suggest finding some way to get out and be in nature every day, walk in the morning sun, do what you can to be with other people in a safe way. It has helped my kids and me tremendously.

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