Akin is essential, personalized, evidence-based care complementary to your OBGYN or Midwife. Our core team includes acupuncture, mental health, pelvic floor physical therapy, nutrition, infant feeding, and doula care.

Our ‘why’ behind akin

We had so many questions on our journey to becoming parents. What we found was that there wasn’t really one place we could go that covered everything: One place for preconception through the first few months after baby arrives. One place for support around the common yet often silenced experience of loss. One place that directed us to resources in our local community that could support us through all of these phases. One place with useful, evidenced-based information and experts who could answer the curious questions we had about “why.” 

We came to see how, even with access to high-quality doctors, the healthcare system in the United States isn’t set up to be able to give us the support we need to thrive.

In addition, when we are young, most of us don’t have meaningful opportunities to learn about our bodies or to talk about them openly. Many of us carry these internalized stigmas as we grow, making it hard to connect with others about the changes, challenges, and joys that mark the journey to parenthood. 

Unlike in the past when we could rely on shared wisdom within our communities and midwifery was the standard of care, today many of us live apart from family, within a culture that focuses less on the collective - leaving us relying solely on the medical system for all of our care. Our broader culture also tells us that we should be able to bounce back fast - in our appearance, sense of self, and productivity. The odds are stacked against us. 


We are here to give you comprehensive support, wherever you are on your journey.

Our team of providers are here to provide in-person and virtual support complementary to your care with your OB/GYN or midwife, and we are redefining what’s possible for personalized, quality, and integrative support to make sure all of your needs are met. 

We are proud to be a part of the larger movement alongside those working to elevate perinatal and reproductive health as a priority. We believe that until everyone has the support to thrive on their journey to and through parenthood, our work is not complete. 

Xx Caroline and Courtney



What’s in a name

We believe that Akin encapsulates an inclusive meaning of community: the things we all share through an impermeable bond of becoming a parent, as well as the aspects of our story that are uniquely our own.

Our intention is to make this platform inclusive and beneficial to all persons who are or who wish someday to care for a baby, whether a baby is biologically theirs or not, whether a baby is physically birthed by them or not, and inclusive of all beings who take upon the primary role to care for a child.