Akin is essential, personalized, evidence-based care complementary to your OBGYN or Midwife. Our core team includes acupuncture, mental health, pelvic floor physical therapy, nutrition, infant feeding, and doula care.

I’m trying to get pregnant

We’re so excited you’re here! And you’re definitely in the right place.

Whether you’re trying to conceive naturally, or going through fertility treatments — we are here to support you.

Akin provides coordinated care that plugs into your primary care, OB/GYN or fertility doctor.

Our core service for fertility is acupuncture (because it is so effective!!), but we also have other care in case you are interested in those, too.

  • Acupuncture plays a key role in boosting fertility. Whether you are trying to get pregnant naturally, or with support of fertility treatments, studies show that:

  • What we eat has the power to transform how we feel. Underlying deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, undiagnosed food sensitivities, gut health, and more can all impact fertility. Nutrition is the piece that ties these all together. By working with our providers, you can feel confident that you’re set up for nourished, supported success.

  • A spectrum of emotions can take root during this process, and by working with a mental health provider who specializes in fertility, you’ll be supported along the way. We’re here for you, and you’re never alone.

  • Pelvic floor therapy, whether done through various manual therapy techniques or at-home work, can be an effective way to reduce factors that may make it difficult to conceive.


We can help you with

Difficulty trying to conceive

Comprehensive, coordinated care, designed for you.


Akin FAQs // How it Works

  • Begin by selecting ‘New Patient Inquiry’ where you’ll fill out some basic details and schedule a 15 minute care coordination call with our Clinical Director.

    In this call, you’ll go over everything you need to know about Akin and you can ask any questions you have. We’ll help take care of booking your first appointment(s) right there.

  • Based on the phase you’re in + your unique needs, you’ll get a personalized care plan. This plan updates as you move through phases. Your care coordinator is always there to help with questions on scheduling or billing with your Akin provider/team.

  • Personalized, collaborative care is how we believe healthcare should be. Our providers meet as a group regularly, chat all the time, and are well-versed in all aspects of reproductive healthcare and how each provider type can support our patients. This means that your care plan is unique to you, is designed to align with your goals and meet you where you are on your journey.. We never want you to tell your story over and over to every new provider you see. And because of our all angles approach, the things that normally might get missed don’t.

  • You can of course just see one provider. The whole team is here for you if and when you need them!

  • At Akin, everything we do is designed to be complementary to your care with your OBGYN/PCP/RE. We’re working to supplement and augment all of the great work you’re doing with them. And we’re really happy (and excited!) to share with them everything you’re doing with us. For the most part, the types of care we provide are not sufficient in the medical system — and we’re here to fill those gaps. Ultimately, our goal is to help you thrive.

  • Your first visit with us is always virtual. In this visit, we’ll get to know you and your goals, and you’ll learn how Akin works. Your follow-up visits can be either virtual or in person, depending on the provider you’re seeing. Typically, sessions like acupuncture or pelvic floor physical therapy are done in person, with some exceptions. Nutrition and mental health therapy can be done virtually.

  • In person visits take place in our provider’s clinics, or in your home. You decide! We have care providers across the Bay Area and Los Angeles, so you can find an in person location that works for you.

  • Currently, Akin is out of network for all insurances. To provide you with as affordable and accessible care as possible, we’re committed to working with you and your insurance provider and will file your claims for reimbursement. Most people are eligible for out-of-network coverage for some services.